Sunday, October 25, 2009

Addictive Mistrust

A Definition of Addictive Mistrust.

I have noticed a very obvious pattern within the cable news industry and politically popularized blogs as of late. The idea is not to report on factual information in order to satisfy our curiosity, but rather to create a situation as to where the general populous will gain in interest in the story before all the facts are laid out. They then report the information as "fact at this given moment, with more information as it comes," whilst still allowing the imagery of a factual situation. The purpose is not, in all reality, to get us to believe them. This is not profitable. If we are simply to believe the story, then our urge to find out more is squelched thus disallowing more air time.

They have actually found it far more profitable to allow us to not trust them completely...

If they are correct, then we can continue to trust in them because they nailed it and can then move on to the next story.

This, however, is not the ideal situation. It is actually better for them in the long run to have given us a certain amount of information and allow it to fester long enough for us to be intrigued, which will lead into more speculation, talking heads, specialists in the manner, and eventually get us addicted to the story, never really allowing ourselves to make up our own mind.

When we get upset, it doesn't hurt them because they never have to apologize for giving us the wrong information. All they have to do is move on to the next story, thus allowing ourselves to forget the last one, why we were upset about the lack of information, and get wrapped up in the next one.

I call this addictive mistrust because if we trust them then we are satisfied. Nothing more is needed. If we are not completely trust worthy, we still allow room for "human" error, thus allowing carnal interest to further set in.

Media sources like NPR and PBS rely heavily on listener and viewer donations, and thereby are constantly kept in check by those that demand a certain level of reason and information. Cable news stations and up and coming blogs (as they become more prominent) rely less and less on listener and viewer contributions, allowing them a certain amount of addictive mistrust.

So, the next time you listen to your news of choice, take into account whether the information is being given to you as a public service, of as a matter of addictive mistrust in order to make a profit.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Homosexuality and the Holy Book

I am finished with the biblical justification of oppressing homosexuals in the same manner that has been used to oppress women and other cultural, racial and religious representations within society for as long as we have known.

I will make it one of my life's goals, if need be, to speak more openly about it in order to point out it's hypocrisy.

This is not a statement of blasphemy toward the faithful, but rather an open dialogue for greater understanding on how we all interpret religious books in order to justify current belief systems that wholly undermines basic human decency.

For every verse you preach openly that speaks out against homosexuality, I have verses, ten-fold, that preach against your own personal hypocrisy...

Try me.