Friday, January 2, 2009

Fiction Vs. Non-fiction

I have a heartfelt belief that a person can learn far more about the human condition from fiction than non-fiction. Non-fiction is hindered by the strive to be as objective as possible (or politically/ideologically manipulative based on the writer), whereas by being subjective, one can get a deeper grasp on a subject that they feel close to.

Stories have been passed down generation to generation for thousands of years in order to teach others how to properly function in society, how to take care of oneself, how to cross the street properly, how to avoid mass genocide, how to look both ways before crossing the street, how to not repeat the same ideas just worded differently, and so on and so on.

Fiction is a means of making an impression on how a society reacts where non-fiction is mainly stating an account of how a society is reacting.